The Number of Chickens in the World Means They Outnumber Humans 3.5 to 1
Most people don’t know that over a million chickens are killed every hour in the United States. Due to the growing popularity of their meat, chickens have been selectively bred for decades to grow...
View ArticlePlant-Based School Lunches Are in Demand — but Big Dairy Is Still Prioritized...
In the U.S., plant-based diets have skyrocketed in popularity over the last decade, and plant-based meals are now more accessible than ever. Public school lunches, however, have been slow to adapt....
View ArticleWhy Coconut Milk Isn’t the Most Ethical Plant-Based Milk
Over the last decade, coconut milk has become an increasingly popular alternative to dairy milk, and market analysts project that its sales will continue to grow. But while it may sound like a...
View ArticleConditions for Chickens in Battery Cages Are More Sadistic Than Most People...
If you’ve eaten an egg recently, it probably came from a hen who was raised in horrific conditions in a battery cage. These small, cramped, relentlessly bright cages are physically excruciating for...
View ArticleHow Much Protein You Need to Be Healthy, Explained
It’s no secret that protein is one of the most important parts of our diets, but beyond that, things can get confusing. There are different kinds of protein, different sources of protein, and...
View ArticleWhat Veganism Is, Why It Matters and How to Eat Plant-Based
In many ways, modern society is built on the suffering of animals. Very few people set out to actively harm other living creatures, of course — yet so much of the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the...
View ArticleIs ‘Climate-Friendly Beef’ Always Just Greenwashing?
There are decades of research showing the climate impact of the meat we eat, yet little agreement on how to tackle the problem. Most climate researchers suggest that those of us in the global north...
View Article7 Sneaky Foods That Can Have Dead Horses in Them
If you live in America, you probably haven’t eaten any horse lately — at least, not intentionally. Although horse meat has been effectively banned in the United States for a decade and a half, that...
View Article7 Animals With Sex Lives That Make Humans Look Vanilla
The animal kingdom is extraordinarily diverse, but there’s one thing all animals have in common: they reproduce. That’s where the similarities end, however. The mating practices of Earth’s creatures...
View ArticleThe Number of U.S. Poultry Farms Is Rising — Which Is Bad News for Animals...
Whether it’s scrambled eggs, chicken sandwiches or Thanksgiving turkey, Americans love their poultry. The average American eats around 115 pounds of poultry every year, compared with just 34 pounds in...
View ArticleThe Friendliest, Most Gentle Animals Are Also Some of the Most Exploited
The animal kingdom is wildly eclectic and infinitely diverse. There are millions of different species on this planet, and millions of different personalities, character traits and demeanors among...
View Article6 Reasons Why Eggs Are So Expensive Right Now
Milk, bread and eggs. For decades, families in the United States have been flocking to grocery stores to buy these three staples. While the cost of milk and bread have seen significant increases in...
View ArticleThe 11 Most Helpful Animals on Earth (Though It’s Quite a Competition)
It’s been said that no person is an island, and the same is true of species. Humans may be the dominant life forms on Earth, but we rely on many other animals to get by, and that’s been the case ever...
View ArticleWhich Animals Are Monogamous Rather Than Mating For Life?
In the animal kingdom, a certain kind of liberation rules the day. Our own human proclivities notwithstanding, romantic exclusivity is extremely rare in the natural world, and sexual exclusivity is...
View ArticleWhat Is Climate Change and How Do We Solve It?
With global temperatures continuing to rise unabated, the impacts of climate change are becoming more frequent, more intense, more dangerous and more widespread. Sea levels are rising, glaciers are...
View ArticleNew York’s Lawsuit Against JBS, Explained
Just over three years ago, the world’s largest beef producer JBS launched its “Net Zero by 2040” campaign, pledging to curb the company’s climate emissions so significantly that JBS could claim a...
View Article5 Arguments for Zoos, Fact-Checked and Unpacked
Zoos are one of the oldest forms of entertainment on Earth, with the earliest records of their existence dating back to 1,000 BC. They’re also incredibly polarizing and controversial. Proponents for...
View ArticleWhy We Still Test on Animals, Explained
In a bustling laboratory at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, hundreds of scientists are busy creating self-organizing, three-dimensional tissue cultures known as organoids out of stem cells. These...
View ArticleWhat a Vegan Is and Isn’t, Explained
Veganism has experienced a surge in popularity over the last decade, with the number of Americans following vegan diets growing from 1 percent of the population to 6 percent over a three-year period...
View Article7 Cruelty-Free & Vegan Collagen Alternatives for Your Skin
Over the past decade or so, collagen has become a buzzy topic in health and beauty circles. Celebrities like Kate Hudson and Jennifer Aniston have started hocking it, and athletes and fitness...
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